TEXT Us Today to Book! 469-434-9047 or 214-502-7816 | Click to email us at  Peopleprograms@sbcglobal.net

Rate/Fare. Fare policy is based from Rockwall/Heath.

Rate information is $2.50 per mile plus wait time assessed at $60 per hour in 15 minute intervals.

  1. Specifically, to DFW $121.60; Love Field $93.50; Rockwall Local $25.00
  2. Express lane fees and airport tolls are added.

Contact information;
Peter Ambler, President of The Shuttle. Text number 469-434-9047 or 214-502-7816, email is peopleprograms@sbcglobal.net
Wheelchair accessible;
Our vehicles are not wheelchair accessible. Folding wheelchairs are accommodated.
Intoxicating substance;
Intoxicating substances are not permissible, allowed, tolerated or sold by or in company vehicles or personnel or customers at any time.

Your obedient servant,
Peter Ambler, president, Ambler Associates Inc. DBA “The Shuttle “.

No charge for extra passengers. Rides are private, not shared and non-stop.

Call Us Today to Book! 214-502-7816 or 940-205-7325 | Click to email us at  info@rockwallshuttle.com

Trusted Transportation Services Serving Rockwall, Texas and Surrounding Areas

To All Airports and Great Rides Anywhere

#rockwall #rockwalltx #rockwallshuttle #heath #forney #terrell #quinlan #poetry #roycecity #fate #dfw